The Charitable Foundation «Zirka»

Our goal is to create a self-sufficient community, the main value of which is a person who is inseparably connected to the land and nature. A community that will be able to provide for its livelihood and adapt to the challenges of time and external factors.

Need helpBecome a sponsor

Communities of a new model

We invite you to join in the implementation of the program of creating communities of a new model, involving any possible resource: investments, experience, advice, time.

Get to know the program


Our projects would not have been possible without the help of caring people, so we want to introduce you to our cool initiatives. Thanks to them, we have the opportunity not to leave Ukrainians alone with their troubles. We are sure that you will also have a desire to join, because helping is not difficult at all!

Громади нового зразка


Крапля крові —  початок моря життя

Ми допомагаємо безпосередньо українському бізнесу. Завдяки нашому проєкту з’являться робочі місця для українців і буде запроваджено...
Будівництво мінімістечка для українських сімей, які втратили своє житло.  Ми виконуємо їх найзаповітніше бажання — повернути свій дім...
Є два способи, якими ви можете долучитися до порятунку життя українців: стати донором крові у вашому місті та розповісти про це...
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Історія заради благодійності

Мистецький проєкт «Ковчег»

Подаруй родині житло

Ваша історія війни — важлива! Діліться описами ваших переживань, емоцій, думок  у перші дні війни та будь-чого іншого , про що ви готові зараз...
Фонд допомагає українським митцям, надаючи підтримку їх творчості та заохочуючи творити на користь держави та суспільства...
Ідея акції проста і популярна: замість подарунків на день народження попросіть друзів зробити благодійний внесок на підтримку проєкту Dodomu...
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Art project «Ark»

The fund helps Ukrainian artists by providing support for their creativity and encouraging them to create for the benefit of the state and society...
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A drop of blood is the beginning of the sea of life

There are two ways of how you can participate in rescuing ukrainians: become a blood donor in your city and share…
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Construction of a mini-town for Ukrainian families who lost their homes. We fulfill their most cherished wish — to get their home back…
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Story for charity

Your story of war is important! Share your feelings, emotions and thoughts on the first day of war or some other things that you are ready to tell…
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Give family a home

The idea of the initiative is easy and popular: instead of asking for a birthday present, ask your friends to make a charity donation for the support of the Dodomu project…
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Громади нового зразка

Ми допомагаємо безпосередньо українському бізнесу. Завдяки нашому проєкту з’являться робочі місця для українців і буде запроваджено...
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Будівництво мінімістечка для українських сімей, які втратили своє житло.  
Ми виконуємо їх найзаповітніші бажання — повернути свій дім...
Читати далі

Крапля крові

Є два способи, якими ви можете долучитися до порятунку життя українців:стати донором крові у вашому місті та розповісти про це...
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Історія заради благодійності

Ваша історія війни — важлива! Діліться описами ваших переживань, емоцій, думок  у перші дні війни та будь-чого іншого , про що ви готові зараз...
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Проект «Ковчег»

Фонд допомагає українським митцям, надаючи підтримку їх творчості та заохочуючи творити на користь держави та суспільства...
Читати далі

Подаруй родині житло

Ідея акції проста і популярна: замість подарунків на день народження попросіть друзів зробити благодійний внесок на підтримку проєкту Dodomu...
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Громади нового зразка

Ми допомагаємо безпосередньо українському бізнесу. Завдяки нашому проєкту з’являться робочі місця для українців і буде запроваджено...
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Будівництво мінімістечка для українських сімей, які втратили своє житло.  Ми виконуємо їх найзаповітніші бажання — повернути свій дім...
Читати далі

Крапля крові —  початок моря життя

Є два способи, якими ви можете долучитися до порятунку життя українців:стати донором крові у вашому місті та розповісти про це...
Читати далі

Історія заради благодійності

Ваша історія війни — важлива! Діліться описами ваших переживань, емоцій, думок  у перші дні війни та будь-чого іншого , про що ви готові зараз...
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Мистецький проєкт «Ковчег»

Фонд допомагає українським митцям, надаючи підтримку їх творчості та заохочуючи творити на користь держави та суспільства...
Читати далі

Подаруй родині житло

Ідея акції проста і популярна: замість подарунків на день народження попросіть друзів зробити благодійний внесок на підтримку проєкту Dodomu...
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Zoriana Pelekh

The founder of the charitable foundation, managing partner of ZP Law Office of Zoriana Pelekh, notary and candidate of legal sciences.

Зоряна Пелех

The founder of the charity fund, managing partner of the company "ZP Law Office of Zoriana Pelekh", notary public and candidate of legal sciences.

Zoryana Peleh

The founder of the charity fund, managing partner of the company "ZP Law Office of Zoriana Pelekh", notary public and candidate of legal sciences.

How to help the project?

Regular donations

Every charitable contribution is hope for the future for a Ukrainian family. If you have such an opportunity, donate any amount you can afford regularly. For example, once a month. This will become a useful habit for good deeds. In order not to suddenly forget, add an automatic payment to your bank's application.

Become the voice of projects

We need your help to let others know about our projects. Challenges, hashtags, stories, bookmarks - all this is not difficult to do, and in return, a large number of people will learn about the fund in a short time, which means that Ukrainian families will settle in their new homes as soon as possible. Become the voice of the projects - tell others about us!

Help with your skills

If you are not indifferent to someone else's grief and you have some free time to help - write to us! Our project needs representatives of mass media, architects, project managers, designers, 3D-visualizers, those who can provide us with building materials, as well as representatives of OTG. This is far from the entire list, because we need everyone's help, the main thing is your desire to do good!
Contact us

Cooperation for victory

If you are a Ukrainian business representative, join us to help Ukrainian immigrants. Every family counts on our help, and only together we can bring them closer to realizing their dreams. With our joint efforts, we will give people a real home that will bring comfort and peace after the horrors they have experienced.
Contact us

Regular donations

Every charitable contribution is hope for the future for a Ukrainian family. If you have such an opportunity, donate any amount you can afford regularly. For example, once a month. This will become a useful habit for good deeds. In order not to suddenly forget, add an automatic payment to your bank's application

Become the voice of projects

We need your help to let others know about our projects. Challenges, hashtags, stories, bookmarks - all this is not difficult to do, and in return, a large number of people will learn about the fund in a short time, which means that Ukrainian families will settle in their new homes as soon as possible. Become the voice of the projects - tell others about us!

Help with your skills

If you are not indifferent to someone else's grief and you have some free time to help - write to us! Our project needs representatives of mass media, architects, project managers, designers, 3D-visualizers, those who can provide us with building materials, as well as representatives of OTG. This is far from the entire list, because we need everyone's help, the main thing is your desire to do good!
Contact us

Cooperation for victory

If you are a Ukrainian business representative, join us to help Ukrainian immigrants. Every family counts on our help, and only together we can bring them closer to realizing their dreams. With our joint efforts, we will give people a real home that will bring comfort and peace after the horrors they have experienced.
Contact us

Regular donations

Every charitable contribution is hope for the future for a Ukrainian family. If you have such an opportunity, donate any amount you can afford regularly. For example, once a month. This will become a useful habit for good deeds. In order not to suddenly forget, add an automatic payment to your bank's application

Become the voice of projects

We need your help to let others know about our projects. Challenges, hashtags, stories, bookmarks - all this is not difficult to do, and in return, a large number of people will learn about the fund in a short time, which means that Ukrainian families will settle in their new homes as soon as possible. Become the voice of the projects - tell others about us!

Help with your skills

If you are not indifferent to someone else's grief and you have some free time to help - write to us! Our project needs representatives of mass media, architects, project managers, designers, 3D-visualizers, those who can provide us with building materials, as well as representatives of OTG. This is far from the entire list, because we need everyone's help, the main thing is your desire to do good!
Contact us

Cooperation for victory

If you are a Ukrainian business representative, join us to help Ukrainian immigrants. Every family counts on our help, and only together we can bring them closer to realizing their dreams. With our joint efforts, we will give people a real home that will bring comfort and peace after the horrors they have experienced.
Contact us

The first fundraiser: report

Our first collection was timed to the birthday of our founder - Zoryana Pelekh, who refused to receive gifts  and instead…
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Object which was restored before the war

St. Nicholas Church

The Charitable Foundation «Zirka» has a completed project, which we wanted to share with you. We are especially proud of the restoration of St. Nicholas Church…
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Church of St. Nicholas
The "Zirka" charitable foundation has completed projects that we would like to introduce you to. One of those that we are particularly proud of is the restoration of the Church of St. Nicholas...
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