Our volunteers

Our volunteers

It seems that the time has come to get to know the creative team of volunteers of the "Zirka" charitable foundation. We are completely different people and we help from different parts of the world, because there is something that unites us - the desire to be useful to our native country and Ukrainians.
A future animation and film director, has a degree in film production management, creates video and photo content, and is an expert in graphic design! What do you think of that, Elon Musk?
Now Kateryna is studying at a film school in Greece, so we are all sure that the world will soon hear about this young lady.
Kateryna Shalonina
An editor with a lot of experience, blogger, journalist. Our Yana is also an author who inspires with her stories. She loves coffee, music, British TV series and walking. So if we need advice on an interesting book or series, we run straight to her for advice.
Yana Pizintsali
Has a little son for whom every night she comes up with a new fairy tale before bedtime - and it has never been repeated (we checked). She is inspired by music, auteur movies, and reads a lot. Her favourite thing is writing in all its forms: articles, books, poems. She loves the silence of nature and mountain views.
Kateryna Kolesnyk
A talented person who makes something beautiful out of nothing (UI/UX designer), free as a bird, that is a freelancer. Artem loves design and makes it really user-friendly and adaptive.
A very creative guy that never stops evolving in what he loves. In his free time Artem fishes, plays sports or drinks coffee, and sometimes all together on the same day as he is a multitasker.
Artem Verkhulevskyi
She designed advertising creatives at Upwork for a fitness app, an online store, and even for a cafe in New York City. Tetiana is passionate about designing and renovating apartments. She loves working and relaxing at the countryside house (who doesn't, right?) and watching cool movies.
Now Tetiana is taking courses in special effects (VFX), so expect a super specialist in the near future.
Tetiana Shaferuk
A very talented artist who teaches this prowess to kids. She believes that you can fall in love with Ukraine times faster if you get acquainted with its history, culture and art. In her opinion, art is freedom, rethinking emotions and impressions of entire generations. This is what inspires Anastasiia and makes her the coolest artist ever.
Anastasiia Shkurko
Artist, illustrator
She adores reading, which is why she is used to expressing her feelings through poetry. Mariia can speak well and in a precise manner, and she is also passionate about studying history, psychology and Ukrainian philology.
Mariia is talented and kind in a way that is best described by a line from her poem: I have the love that can embrace all the people of the whole world.
Mariia Barabaliuk
This guy breaks usual stereotypes: an athlete who adores reading! Yes, there are such people! His two greatest hobbies are working out at the gym and reading books. And he will almost always choose a book over a movie because when you read a book, everything looks as you imagine it, but when you watch a movie, only the way the director decided to present it.
Ihor Misiura
A young lady with a name that really means a lot to us at this time, translated as “Hope” from Ukrainian. Nadiia likes to travel, take pictures of nature and wild animals. She is an active person, so all kinds of sports, where there is maximal activity are her favourite ones.
Nadiia worked for the Creative Forces of Ukraine project, in which she created articles, slogans and captions for different pictures in order to raise the attention of the world to Ukraine.
She is a true master of words, but continues to constantly learn so that her texts are even more precise and do not leave anyone indifferent.
Nadiia Konovalchuk
A web designer so will make your website a real eye-catcher that is good enough to showcase. Yana also likes to draw, but when she doesn't have a canvas at hand - she creates nice images on the bodies in a tattoo studio. She also loves reading books.
Yana Bernatska
The kindest person in the world because she cares for animals. Since childhood Daria has not tolerated others' pain, so she helped people and animals. She likes different sports and trips to mountains or forests. Daria draws pictures and can play the guitar really cool, and if she needs to restore her mental well-being, she grabs an interesting book or climbs with friends. Now she is studying in Munich to become a veterinarian, and we are all, including Ukrainian dogs and cats, waiting for her here.
Daria Surkova
Iryna is a future history major who also loves to paint and decorate shoppers. Imagine how much love she puts into every single one of her products. She also likes to read books of different genres: from Ukrainian classical literature to modern non-fiction.
Iryna Shevchuk
SMM specialist
UX/UI designer from Kharkiv, who has been developing designs for websites and apps for three years. Before that, for nine years, she worked as a photographer, bringing colour to people's life. Maria is a vegetarian who sees beauty in everything and leads eco-life. She loves music and sings well.
Mariia Solovei
Tetiana is studying marketing at the university and has been working as a UI/UX designer for 3 years. She loves the purple colour, pizza and kitties. In her free time, Tetiana plays video games and watches movies. She can't eat tasteless food, so she takes everything into her hands and cooks the delicious meals herself. She is waiting for the liberation of our native Crimea, so she can go there on vacation with music so loud in the car that it could be heard all the way to russia.
Tetiana Didichenko
Victoria is a former president. The president of the school, but the beginning is not bad. Currently, he is developing in the field of Internet marketing, and in his free time he makes unreal delicious goodies. Vika likes to read about psychology and business, while savoring her homemade candies.
Lesya Kochergin
Curator of the "Ark" charity art project
Liza works as a graphic designer but she is a philosopher at heart and by education. She can't imagine her life without music, so she listens to it in the morning until late at night. She likes to draw and watch old movies, which have their own special atmosphere.
Yelyzaveta Lutska
Liliia recently graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, but her passion has long been UI/UX design. She likes to create user-friendly and well-thought-out website details. Also Liliia likes to communicate with people, so she additionally studied Arabic, English and German in order to understand everyone accurately and keep up the conversation.
Liliia Kharrat
Passionate about design, that's why she decided to devote herself to UI/UX. Olga works with Figma, creating web-sites, landing pages, app interfaces, business cards, banners, product package design and many other beauty things. She also works with Tilda, Webflow and WordPress constructors. Olga works hard on tasks because her goal is to develop a quality product.
Olga Dorota
Helps the fund with translations into English, so that as many people as possible can get to know about our projects. She studies at a linguistic university and even has time for teaching kids English. Anna is keen on embroidery, drawing and everything you can create with her own hands. She reads a lot, loves listening to music and strives for self-development.
Anna Parkhomenko
Simultaneous interpreter, linguistic and career coach, and even businesswoman. At our project Inna is an editor of English-language texts. She is also our psychologist-trainer, taking care of the mental health of our volunteers. Helps to different international projects, including UNHCR, OSCE, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Doctors Without Borders.Interested in psychology, neuroscience and medicine, her spare time she dedicates to children of internally displaced persons and learns several languages on her own.
Inna Kovalenko
Simultaneous interpreter and editor
A brave young lady who was not afraid to change her profession of nursing at the age of 30! Now she works as a translator for an IT-company and thinks it is never too late for changes and learning. She also graduated from music school and knows how to play a sensual instrument - violin.
Hanna Taseniuk
Graduated from the University of Linguistics, where she studied English and French. During the past 24 years she managed to work as a children's tutor, translator, was a part of a support team for an insurance company, project manager on a foreign language course and an assistant to a recruiter. Now she has found herself in the profession of a photographer and finally realised that this is what she is interested in. She likes embroidery, drawing, cooking, and is interested in psychology.
Kateryna Kostyuk
Studying to be a UI/UX designer, she plans to move in the direction of UX, because she has the ability to systematize and find thoughtful solutions. Victoria has 5 years of experience in IT as an HR manager, but decided to change the area of work to do exactly what she wants. She has creative hobbies: in addition to drawing, she creates scented candles and natural soaps.
Victoria Patsulia
Обожнює різноманітні фільми та майстерно володіє словом. Катерина навчається у ВНУ ім. Лесі Українки понад два роки та пише книжки ще зі школи. Також Катя має хист до фотографії і вміє показати світ та людей прекрасними й справжніми.
Kateryna Mychlo